Contentbox headline
!outfit (changes the whole guild outfit)
✔ Command rules:

  • Only the guild leader is able to use.
  • Has a exhaust of 10 minutes.

  • !target (sets a golden square on a player)
    ✔ Command rules:

  • Only guild leaders or vice-leaders are able to use.
  • The target can be seen only by guild players
  • Has a exhaust of 10 seconds.

  • !commands (Toggles a list of commands!)

    !online (Toggles a list of all online players!)

    !autoloot "on/off" (Toggles auto loot on and or off!)

    !aol (Buys a Amulet of Loss, where every you are as long as you have the funds!)

    !blessall (Buys all 7 blessing charms, where every you are as long as you have the funds!)

    !serverinfo (Gives a full run down of the server!)

    !balance (Checks the balance of your global bank!)

    !deposit (Deposit your gold into your global bank)

    !withdraw (withdraw gold from your global bank!)

    !transfer (transfer gold to your best of mate, or your worst of enemys!) Server Updates

    Looking into the issue


    !buyhouse (Stand in front of your dream home to purchase!)

    !leavehouse (Only use this to leave your house, if you wish to sell use the !sellhouse)

    !sellhouse (Use this to sell your house, more info to come!)

    !time (tic toc tic toc)

    !checkvip/!vip (Check your little black book!)

    !flask "on/off" (If your sick of empty flasks, well use this feature!)

    !emote (Little humour never hurts the soul!)

    !hiddenshop "on/off "(More info to come!)

    !reward (Use to claim rewards from various NPCS!)

    !tools (Use this to purchase all the basic tools! )

    !blanks (Use this to purchase 100x blank runes, your welcome rune makers!)

    In a pinch or if your just the efficient type and money isnt an issue, then use these simple commands to help. (Support Runes) - (!support), gives you a small mix pack of supply runes. [Magic Wall and Wild Growth, Fire Bomb and Energy Bomb, Destroy Field Rune, Disintegrate Rune] (Attack Runes) - ([!ava "avalanche"],[!gfb "great fireball"],[!tds "thunderstorms"],[!sd "sudden death"]) (Poitions) - ([!gm "great mana"],[!ump "ultimate mana"],[!uhp "ultimate health"],[!shp "suprem health"],[!usp "ultimate spirit"]

    !promotion (Got the cash and want that promotion with out doing the foot work? well use the simple !promotion command and BOOM your done!)

    !bosses(Use this to open a list of avaible bosses and teleport to boss of your wish!)

    !craft(opens crafting window!)

    !tp1 !tp2 !del !tpcheck(To set up and manage portals, use `!tp1` to place a portal, `!tp2` to set a connecting portal, and right click on a portal to open destinations; `!del` to open a window and delete portals, and `!tpcheck` to check portal usage (limited to 50 uses); note that creating portals requires slivers in the players inventory.)

    !friend !pet(!friend opens a list of mounts you have obtained/ bosses youve killed, click on the frined you want and poof apears he does! re working this as its not perfect and fully working. !pet summons a random creature of a small list more of a fun thing!)

    !afk(Use this if your in a pinch (; . !afk will put player in ghost mode for 5 minutes after timer is up player will be attacked!)

    !paralyze(use this if your hunting mobs that are in a pain in the a! and always trying to slow you down.. work in progress command will set a 5 minute check for paralyze and remove it on a 80% chance. still working on it)

    !trade(opens a trade window pretty basic, is a list of most equipment in game, updated list to come! be aware it will sell imbued or tierd items or equiped use at own risk!)

    !party(Use this to open a list of avaible party memebers and allows you to teleport to the party memeber of your wish. if you are the party leader can teleport the whole party or each player!)

    Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

    Access ALL Areas!

    Top 5 Experience

    1 - Gubby
       Level: (538)
       Elite Knight
    2 - Farmboy
       Level: (510)
       Master Sorcerer
    3 - Krazylegz
       Level: (484)
       Royal Paladin
    4 - Goopy
       Level: (413)
       Master Sorcerer
    5 - Madhatter
       Level: (369)
       Elder Druid